
The First Snow and Santa Was Not Thrilled

Reading Time: 3 minutes

With Thanksgiving just one week away, my weather app predicted afternoon snow in the Northeast of the United States. The forecast likely generated a variety of reactions. Many people, I would guess, faced this news with a little dismay as winter weather sets in with its darker, colder, and yes snowier days. One opinion of the impending snowy forecast may surprise a few of us—Santa’s.

First Snow Santa Claus

The day of the forecasted snow, I planned to stop at Starbucks in a local mall, grab a coffee and get some work done in between appointments. I pulled into a parking space. As I began to walk away from my car, guess who pulled in next to me? Yep, you got it. Santa Claus! I saw a person who looked like Santa, step out of a mini-van and pull a suitcase as he walked towards the mall entrance. It was an unusual sight since I associate Santa in a sleigh with reindeer pulling him. I assumed his suitcase contained everything necessary to complete his Santa engagement.

The man looked the right age and shape, and he sported a white, all-natural beard. I thought to myself, “Could this be my chance for a little Christmas magic?” You see, the Christmas season started early in our house this year. While not decorated, our tree is set up in the family room and we have already watched several Hallmark Christmas movies. [Hey, don’t judge, just embrace the magic.]

First Snow Fire Pit Outdoorzlife

With Hallmark Christmas movie magic presently imprinted on my mind, I just couldn’t resist. I walked towards Santa and asked, “Hi there, can I tell you my Christmas wish?” He chuckled and then began to discuss the weather. With a tone of lament, he said, “I guess we are in for some snow.” I laughed inside at the irony. I thought Santa would be excited about the snow! I wondered if Mrs. Claus and the Elves would approve of Santa’s seemingly un-cheerful reaction to the first snow.

In my Christmas state of mind, I remembered a saying from Buddy the Elf, “The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.” The forecast for our first snow brought singing to our house. At different moments of our morning, my wife or I, sang “Let it Snow” and “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” That morning, I also stacked kindling and firewood next to the fire pit in our backyard and secured a tarp over both to ensure that the wood would stay dry for a fire, later in the evening. A lighted fire pit with snowflakes falling seemed like a good way to celebrate our first snow of the season together.

If the cold and snow is getting you down, just remember:

  • It won’t be hot and humid outside, any time soon.
  • The crowds and ticks are gone from hiking trails.
  • Overgrown trails are now, not overgrown.
  • Hiking after a snowfall reveals all kinds of wildlife footprints.
  • Without snow, you wouldn’t need snowshoes.
  • Ok, there is one negative that comes to mind. Our kayaks are in hibernation until spring.

As I left the mall, the snow was falling and began accumulating. A young mother and her son ran out of a restaurant with no coats, no hats, and no gloves. The mom was singing, “It’s snowing, it’s snowing!” The young boy was dancing and smiling. I laughed and responded, “Way to go, that’s the spirit.” Later in the evening, as the snow reached six inches high, we celebrated with an outside fire. When the snow turned to sleet and the winds picked up, we returned to our family room and turned on a Christmas movie.

Alfred Wainwright, a British guidebook author, and illustrator said it best, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” In the spirit of Alfred and Buddy the Elf, let’s get outside this winter. I can assure you that spending time outside, and maybe replacing the nightly news with a Hallmark movie, will get your spirits up in short order.

First Snow, Fire Pit, OutddorzLife

Learn more about Charlie Anderson.

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